A gavel resting on a legal book beside a pair of handcuffs, with the MinistrySure logo in the upper right corner.

At a small private school in Georgia, the unthinkable happened. A family accused a beloved teacher of inappropriate behavior with a student. The fallout was swift, and the school faced legal fees, potential settlements, and a tarnished reputation. Unfortunately, situations like this are not uncommon. This is why having abuse and molestation coverage as part of a school insurance policy is so important.

Why Abuse & Molestation Coverage Matters for Private Schools


Private schools are entrusted with the safety and well-being of their students. However, no matter how rigorous a school’s hiring process is or how committed staff members are to maintaining a safe environment, allegations of sexual abuse and molestation can arise. These accusations can devastate an institution, both financially and reputationally. This is where molestation coverage steps in to offer a layer of protection.

Abuse coverage is designed to protect the school from certain claims. These include bodily injury, emotional distress, or mental distress stemming from incidents of verbal abuse, sexual abuse, or inappropriate behavior by school staff or other parties associated with the school. This insurance provides critical support in covering defense costs, settlements, and other associated legal fees, which can quickly spiral into the millions.

Given recent headlines about cases involving abuse in educational institutions and religious institutions, there is no denying the importance of this coverage. When a school is without abuse insurance, it leaves itself vulnerable to financial ruin and risks losing the trust of its community.

Components of Abuse & Molestation Coverage

Abuse and molestation insurance usually includes the following elements:

  1. Legal Defense: Covers the legal fees associated with defending against claims of abuse or molestation.
  2. Liability Coverage: Helps with settlement or judgment costs if the school is found liable.
  3. Crisis Management: Provides resources to help schools manage the aftermath of allegations, including public relations and communications strategies.
  4. Policy Limits: Schools can choose from different levels of coverage based on their risk management needs.

It’s important for private schools to review their insurance policy and understand the limits of insurance to make sure they have adequate coverage in place.

Other Necessary Coverages for Private Schools

In addition to molestation coverage, private schools should have a comprehensive suite of coverages tailored to their unique risks. Some of the most important types of coverage include:

Recent Headlines Highlight the Need for Abuse & Molestation Coverage

A recent lawsuit against a charter school in California demonstrated the immense financial burden that can come with an abuse claim. The school faced millions in legal costs and settlement fees after several students came forward with allegations of abuse by a former teacher. Without adequate molestation insurance, the school would have been forced to close its doors, leaving students without an education and staff without jobs.

This case serves as a stark reminder that private schools and charter schools are not immune to such incidents. Even with robust safety protocols in place, schools need to prepare with the right insurance coverage to mitigate the financial fallout of abuse claims.

Why Schools Can’t Afford to Ignore Abuse & Molestation Coverage

For many non-profit organizations and educational facilities, the idea of abuse implications may seem far-fetched. However, the reality is that any organization working with children is at risk. Schools are particularly vulnerable. This is due to the close relationships staff members develop with students, making them prime targets for allegations of abuse.

The financial fallout from abuse claims is just one part of the equation. Schools also need to consider the long-term reputational damage that can follow a publicized abuse claim. The loss of tuition, drops in enrollment, and legal costs can become overwhelming for private schools to manage. This makes it important for institutions to have a proper risk management strategy in place.

Take, for example, the 2017 case of a private school in the Midwest that was hit with multiple abuse allegations over a span of three years. The school, which did not have sufficient abuse insurance, faced legal fees exceeding $5 million, not including the settlements reached with the victims’ families. The resulting damage to the school’s reputation led to a significant drop in enrollment, and the school eventually closed its doors. This case is an unfortunate reminder of how crucial it is for schools to prioritize this type of insurance.

Assuring Comprehensive Risk Management

Abuse and molestation coverage is just one part of a comprehensive insurance program for private schools. Schools should work with insurance providers who specialize in educational institutions. This helps to create a risk management strategy that fits their specific needs.

Here at MinistrySure, we help schools understand the types of coverage available to them. This includes everything from property coverage to cyber liability insurance. By working with insurance professionals who understand the challenges schools face, private schools can better protect their students, staff, and reputation.

Working with an insurance company that offers a wide range of liability policies proves important to securing your school from all angles. When you partner with a provider that specializes in school insurance, you can gain access to a more comprehensive set of solutions that provide protection in various situations.

Final Thoughts on Abuse & Molestation Coverage for Private Schools

Abuse and molestation coverage is one of the most critical forms of protection a private school can have. In an increasingly litigious world, private schools, charter schools, and religious institutions cannot afford to leave themselves exposed. Abuse allegations lead to devastating effects.

With the right insurance products in place, schools can focus on their mission of educating and supporting their students. It helps knowing that they have taken the necessary steps to protect their staff, their students, and their future. Abuse coverage, in particular, provides the peace of mind needed to navigate even the most difficult of situations.

Has your school reviewed its abuse and molestation coverage or other vital policies? Now is the time to take action. MinistrySure helps private schools of all sizes protect themselves with specialized insurance policies. This coverage offers the security they need in today’s world.