When Trinity Christian Church first established its private school, it aimed to provide faith-based education to the local community. What they didn’t anticipate were the unique insurance risks that come with operating a religious institution that serves as both a place of worship and a Christian private school. While public schools also face various insurance challenges, religious schools encounter a mix of shared risks and specific ones tied to their religious mission. Understanding these risks and having the right insurance in place is crucial for protecting the school, its students, and its staff. In this post, we’ll answer, “What are Common Insurance Risks for a Christian Private School?” and why it’s important to have comprehensive and specialized coverage.

Liability Risks

Both Christian private schools and public schools face a variety of liability risks. However, the presence of religious activities in Christian schools can introduce additional complexities.

A diverse group of Christian private school students standing together in uniform, smiling confidently in front of their school, with the MinistrySure logo in the top left corner.

General Liability and Bodily Injury

General liability insurance is critical for Christian private schools, as it is for public schools. This type of coverage helps protect the school against claims of bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage. For instance, if a parent or student suffers an accidental injury on school grounds, general liability insurance helps cover the defense costs and potential settlements. However, Christian schools often need to extend this coverage to include risks related to religious activities, such as chapel services or mission trips.

Abuse and Molestation Coverage

While all schools face the unfortunate risk of abuse or molestation claims, Christian private schools may require specific molestation coverage due to the close-knit, faith-based environment. Religious activities often place students in settings where abuse claims can arise, and having insurance that addresses this risk is vital. Many insurance providers that specialize in religious institutions, such as Church Mutual and Brotherhood Mutual Insurance Company, understand the importance of this coverage for religious schools.

Directors & Officers Insurance

In both Christian and public schools, school administrators and religious leaders can be held personally liable for decisions made on behalf of the school. For Christian schools, this risk is amplified by decisions that may be influenced by Biblical principles. Directors & Officers Insurance (D&O) provides protection for the leadership of Christian schools, safeguarding them from legal claims related to their actions and decisions, whether they are tied to day-to-day operations or faith-based activities.

Property Risks

Christian private schools, like public schools, face significant property risks, but they also need to consider the religious aspect of their operations, which adds another layer of complexity.

Fire, Natural Disasters, and Commercial Property Insurance

Just like public schools, Christian schools are vulnerable to natural disasters like fires, floods, or tornadoes. Commercial property insurance is vital for protecting the school’s buildings and equipment from damage caused by such events. However, many Christian schools also house their church or other religious institutions on the same property. This means that their insurance policy must cover both the school and the religious spaces, often requiring specialized insurance for churches. Securing proper coverage that encompasses both the church and the school under one comprehensive coverage plan is key to mitigating these risks.

Theft and Vandalism

Both public schools and religious schools are susceptible to theft and vandalism. Stolen equipment, damaged religious artifacts, or vandalized facilities can create significant financial burdens for the school. Christian private schools, however, may also need coverage for religious items that hold significant value to their faith community, making it a great idea to work with insurance providers who understand the unique needs of religious institutions.

Employment and Injury Risks

Employment-related risks are common in any educational institution, but religious schools face additional concerns that are unique to their operations.

Employment Practices Liability and Work-Related Injury

Christian private schools, like public schools, need to have employment practices liability insurance (EPLI) to protect against claims of wrongful termination, discrimination, or harassment. However, religious schools must also account for risks related to religious practices and beliefs. For example, disputes over the application of Biblical principles in employment decisions can lead to costly lawsuits.

Additionally, schools must be prepared for work-related injuries. Teachers, administrators, and other staff at Christian schools are just as likely to experience a work-related injury as their counterparts in public schools. Having workers’ compensation insurance in place to handle medical expenses and lost wages for staff members is critical to maintaining the financial health of the school.

Vehicle-Related Risks

Christian schools often use vehicles for transporting students, whether it’s to school or for field trips and mission trips. The risks associated with these vehicles require specific insurance coverage.

School Buses and Auto Liability

Just like public schools, Christian schools that own school buses or other vehicles need to have adequate auto liability coverage. This coverage protects the school in case of an accident that causes bodily injury or property damage to others. For schools that don’t own vehicles but occasionally rent them for trips, non-owned and hired auto liability coverage proves important. This type of coverage helps cover liability in case of accidents involving rented or borrowed vehicles.

Cyber Risks

Christian schools, like their public school counterparts, are becoming more reliant on technology. This reliance introduces the risk of cyberattacks.

Data Breaches and Cyber Liability Insurance

Christian private schools store a wealth of sensitive information, from student records to donor information. A data breach can be devastating, leading to financial losses, legal liability, and reputational damage. Cyber liability insurance is crucial for protecting against the costs associated with data breaches, including legal fees, notification expenses, and credit monitoring for those affected. Insurance providers like Brotherhood Mutual and Church Mutual offer tailored cyber liability coverage for religious institutions, understanding the specific risks that religious schools face.

Unique Considerations for Christian Private Schools

Christian schools often face insurance risks that are specific to their religious mission, which sets them apart from public schools.

Religious Discrimination Claims

Christian schools may face religious discrimination claims from employees or students who believe they were treated unfairly because of their religious beliefs (or lack thereof). While public schools are generally bound by secular employment and anti-discrimination laws, Christian schools need coverage that addresses the specific legal challenges that can arise from their religious mission. This includes coverage for legal defense and defense costs in the event of such claims.

Religious Activities and Umbrella Insurance

Christian schools that participate in mission trips, chapel services, or other religious activities may require additional umbrella insurance to cover liabilities that may not be addressed by standard policies. Umbrella insurance provides extra protection beyond the limits of the school’s primary policies, offering an added layer of security for high-risk activities. Working with an independent insurance agent who understands the nuances of insuring religious schools is crucial for obtaining the right types of coverage.

Securing Proper Coverage for Your Christian School

Christian private schools face a wide range of insurance risks, many of which overlap with those of public schools, but others are unique to their religious nature. Whether it’s covering religious activities, protecting staff from employment-related risks, or safeguarding the school’s property, having comprehensive coverage in place is critical for managing these risks effectively.

At MinistrySure, we specialize in finding insurance solutions for religious institutions like Christian private schools. Whether your school associates with a specific church or operates independently, we can help you navigate the complexities of insuring your educational and religious mission. From bodily injury coverage to personal liability and molestation coverage, we make sure your school has the proper coverage in place. Reach out today to learn more about how we can tailor insurance to meet the unique needs of your Christian school.