Summer MinistrySure Topic Wrap Up: Part 1

As we wrap up the summer of 2024, let’s reflect on the key takeaways from our in-depth look into church insurance. This summer, we dove deep into the various types of insurance policies churches need to protect themselves, their congregations, and their assets. From event insurance to property coverage, we examined how churches can safeguard […]

Best Insurance Policies for Churches

A document labeled 'Insurance' partially covered by a blue folder, with a pair of reading glasses resting nearby and a potted plant in the background. The MinistrySure logo is displayed in the upper left corner. The text 'Best Insurance Policies for Churches' is written at the bottom of the image.

When Pastor Ben decided to start a new church plant in a small Georgia town, he was filled with hope and enthusiasm. He envisioned a vibrant community coming together in worship and service. However, he quickly realized that establishing a church involves more than just gathering a congregation; it also requires ensuring that the church […]

What is Church Insurance Coverage?

A church steeple with a cross against a clear blue sky with the MinistrySure logo in the upper left corner and the text "What is Church Insurance?" prominently displayed.

What is church insurance coverage? Think of it as a specialized form of insurance designed to meet the unique needs of religious organizations, including churches, synagogues, mosques, and other houses of worship. This type of insurance provides a range of coverage options to protect against various risks and liabilities that these organizations may face. For […]

How Does Georgia Church Insurance Work?

A large church building with a steeple against a blue sky, featuring the title 'How Does Georgia Church Insurance Work?' and the MinistrySure logo in the bottom left corner.

All Grace Church in Georgia is getting ready to open next year. Pastor John and his team have worked tirelessly to build a welcoming space for their community. They’ve even identified a board of deacons to help manage the church. As they finalize their preparations, they realize they need to think about potential problems that […]

What Types Of Insurance Does My Church Need?

A man in a black suit holding a Bible with the text "MinistrySure" and the question "What Types Of Insurance Does My Georgia Church Need?" displayed next to him.

One Sunday morning, Pastor John walked into the church to find water flooding the sanctuary. A pipe had burst overnight, soaking the beautiful carpet and wooden pews. The damage was extensive, and the cost to repair everything was overwhelming. This could have been a disaster for our church, but thankfully, we had the right insurance […]

Why is Church Insurance So Expensive?

MinistrySure logo above a stack of hundred-dollar bills, with the text "Why is Church Insurance So Expensive?" below.

Why is church insurance so expensive? We have some thoughts on it. Insurance for churches should provide the best possible protection. Understanding why church insurance tends to be more costly involves exploring the unique risks and needs of religious institutions. Churches and other religious organizations, as well as non-profits, often require specialized coverage that addresses […]