Why should your board consider an umbrella policy for your private school? When Hillcrest Academy, a private school known for its high academic standards and active extracurricular programs, organized an off-campus field trip, the last thing they expected was a serious accident involving one of their students. A bus collision left several students injured, and while the school’s liability insurance helped cover some medical expenses, the extent of the damages quickly exceeded the coverage limits. Left facing a potential financial shortfall, the administration realized they needed more comprehensive protection to prevent such issues in the future. That’s where an umbrella policy could have stepped in to fill the gaps.

Private schools like Hillcrest Academy are faced with a wide range of risks on a daily basis, whether it’s physical damage to property, accidents during extracurricular activities, or claims against school employees. A standard insurance policy can only cover so much, and this is where an umbrella policy becomes a crucial addition to a school’s overall protection strategy.

What is an Umbrella Policy?

A bright yellow umbrella floats against a soft blue background, shielding from a small pink cloud. The MinistrySure logo is displayed in the top left corner. The text "How Private Schools Can Benefit from an Umbrella Policy?" is placed at the bottom of the image.


An umbrella policy is designed to provide additional coverage beyond the limits of your school’s primary insurance policies. For example, if a claim exceeds the coverage limits of your liability, property, or auto insurance policies, an umbrella policy will step in to cover the remaining costs. Private schools face a multitude of risks—from injuries on school grounds to wrongful termination claims—and this extra layer of protection can be a financial lifesaver.

For schools that operate school buses or organize frequent field trips, having coverage that goes beyond the standard liability insurance is crucial. Accidents can happen anywhere, and a commercial auto insurance policy may not be enough to cover the full scope of damages in the case of a major accident. An umbrella policy certifies full protect for private schools in such situations, without having to dip into the institution’s own funds to cover medical bills, legal costs, or other unexpected expenses.

Why Private Schools Need an Umbrella Policy

Unlike public schools, private schools typically rely on tuition, donations, and endowments to fund their operations. This financial structure makes them particularly vulnerable to large, unexpected expenses. A single lawsuit, if not properly insured, could potentially wipe out a school’s savings or significantly disrupt its operations. This is especially important considering that private schools are responsible for protecting students, faculty, and personal property.

Furthermore, private schools often provide additional services like transportation, special events, and extracurricular activities that come with their own set of risks. For instance, athletic departments may face lawsuits related to sports injuries, and schools that hold events with a large number of attendees may be at risk of property damage or personal injury claims. With an umbrella policy, schools have the additional coverage they need to handle these potentially high-cost claims without suffering financially.

What Does an Umbrella Policy Cover?

An umbrella policy can cover a wide range of liabilities beyond the limits of a standard policy. Some of the key areas it helps with include:

What Happens Without an Umbrella Policy?

Without an umbrella policy, schools may find themselves facing substantial financial liabilities if a claim exceeds the limits of their standard insurance policies. This could lead to the school needing to pay out of pocket for damages, which can be financially devastating—especially for smaller private schools or those that operate on a tight budget.

In addition, the reputation of a school may suffer if it cannot adequately respond to claims. For example, failure to cover the costs of a serious personal injury claim could lead to a lawsuit that drags on, harming the school’s standing in the community and potentially reducing enrollment numbers.

How Much Coverage Does an Umbrella Policy Provide?

The amount of coverage provided by an umbrella policy depends on the specific needs of the school. Most umbrella policies offer coverage in increments of $1 million, with schools having the option to increase coverage based on their risk profile. Schools with larger student bodies, expansive campuses, or numerous extracurricular programs may require higher coverage limits to adequately protect themselves.

Finding the Right Umbrella Policy for Your Private School

When selecting an umbrella policy, it’s important to work with an independent insurance agent who understands the unique risks associated with running a private school. These agents can help assess the specific risks your school faces and recommend a policy that complements your existing coverage. Insurance companies that specialize in private school insurance can offer tailored solutions that include everything from liability coverage to protection for school buses and special events.

It’s also crucial to ensure that the umbrella policy you choose aligns with your school’s existing insurance policies, such as commercial auto insurance, cyber liability insurance, and property insurance. By coordinating these coverages, schools can avoid gaps in protection and guarantee full coverage in the event of a major incident.

Securing the Future of Your School with an Umbrella Policy

In today’s litigious environment, private schools must take proactive steps to protect themselves from financial ruin. An umbrella policy offers the additional coverage needed to handle large claims, whether they arise from student accidents, employment issues, or special events. By working with a trusted independent insurance agent, schools can find the right umbrella policy to complement their existing coverage and ensure their financial future is secure.

For more information on how an umbrella policy can benefit your school, visit our blogs:

By investing in comprehensive coverage, schools can continue focusing on what matters most: providing quality education and a safe environment for students and staff.

Learn more about how MinistrySure supports your private schools by exploring our blog, where we cover topics such as What Are Common Insurance Risks for a Christian Private School? and How to Handle Claims for Private School Insurance. We always commit to helping private schools navigate the complex world of insurance, providing protective coverage today and in the future.